RRManiac's Summer EBT Mt. Union Enginehouse Challenge
I find it interesting that at this late date, this far into the valuable "build time" provided to construct an entry or entries, by whatever method and with whatever materials, so much time and effort is spent here on talk and very little evidence of any structure building is apparent. I am reminded of a story ...

I had a high school drafting class where I regularly finished my assignments much quicker than the rest of my class. I spent my extra time doing some of the old Bill Cosby comedy routines (like Noah and the Ark, etc.) The instructor was running a class in the woodshop, a class in the drafting studio and a class in the metal shop, all at the same time. There were knee walls with big glass panels on them between the classes so he could see all three classes no matter where he was. He noticed what was happening in the drafting class and passed through the room, dropping a folded piece of paper on my board. When I opened it, it read, "Empty cans make the most noise!"


Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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