Steamtrains' 2010 Summer structure challenge entry
Well...I finally got the doors done..!! 2285_
I've never cut & glued so many LITTLE pieces to make anything...My count is 14 pieces per door (one leaf) plus the core, which I had to scribe on the not-so-blind side..., which makes 32" of 1/32 x 3/32" framing for each one.... :o And had to do that 6 times....(You do the math...) I'm glad that's over with..... Goldth
Here's a pic of a not-yet mounted set of doors...They still need weathering....

[Image: DSCF2531.jpg]

Next I turned to the hinges....Originally I had thought of following Dr. W's suggestion, but had to change to the "prototypical" hinging, since there wasn't enough space between the door and the frame to allow for "hidden" hinges. So I had to make "operable" (where originally they were going to be just "for looks") face mounted hinges...The way I made them was by using very thin plastic sheeting which I cut to the proper dimensions, and for the pivot I used heat shrink tubing shrunk to the size of the hinge pin, and glued (CA) to the straps....

[Image: DSCF2533.jpg]

With this, I turned out a "gaggle" of hinges...

[Image: DSCF2534.jpg]

Apart from being "prototypical", I can leave them off for the time being and install them when all the other work (roof) is done. If I had used "hidden" hinges, I would have had to install them at the time I glued the cross beam right above the doors, which you can see in the pics is not there yet. This way they'll not run the risk of being "knocked" about while roofing is getting done....

So..."unto the breach" once more...Will have pics when roofing gets underway....
Gus (LC&P).

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