Puddlejumper's 2010 Summer Firehouse challenge
Gary S Wrote:PJ, any progress on the fire station?
Forgive me Gary, there has been no progress. I have been at a complete standstill since my last update. I hope to get back to it soon, though I doubt I will make the Sept. deadline.

P5se Camelback Wrote:So ... Fire Fighter Puddle Jumper ... I was reviewing everyone's Challenge threads and when I got to ...
Puddlejumper Wrote:... And here is where I am trying to figure out how to make the windows where light won't leak around the frames.

I have a tip for you that may eliminate this problem for you in the future ...

When you mark out the openings that you will cut for windows, cut the openings just a smidgeon small. Then you can slowly enlarge the opening to the needed size with some careful, judicious filing with a flat jeweler's file or some other "light cut," small flat file. When the window "just" fits, stop!

Then mark, or bag, or identify in some other way that works for you, which window fits in which opening.

Yes, it's a bit more work, but you will like the results!

Indeed that does sound like a great way to do the windows. I will keep this tip in my mind for any scratch builds I do. This kit was a "cheapo" from Life-Like and the windows don't quite fit the openings... I.E. the openings are bigger than the window frames. I am going to use the trim idea you gave me previously.

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