Block Detectors 101
Thanks for the reply Sumpter.
So I can gather from that, that the detector can sense when something is drawing current on the block it is looking at and ( here's the crunch) ..can therefore send what?????....... a signal/package of digital info?... to whatever it is controlling to turn it on/activate it/throw a switch??
It will not be current huh? ie: to turn on flashing signal lights.
So I guess I am looking for the system/hardware/software that it will drive.
I see that I cannot just hook the two output wires up to a set of lights and they will come on when a train draws current from the block it is hooked into.
The two output connections from the block detector in the diagram, are labeled to go to "Ground" and Logic (+) at the signal logic circuitry

I guess I have confused the issue somewhat now, but I need to know what I plug these two wires from this block detector into be it to make the loco stop at a station, not enter an occupied block or for signals to work etc.
..... Abandon the search for truth
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