Block Detectors 101
OBJack Wrote:Thanks for the reply Sumpter.
So I can gather from that, that the detector can sense when something is drawing current on the block it is looking at and ( here's the crunch) ..can therefore send what?????....... a signal/package of digital info?... to whatever it is controlling to turn it on/activate it/throw a switch??
It will not be current huh? ie: to turn on flashing signal lights.
So I guess I am looking for the system/hardware/software that it will drive.
I see that I cannot just hook the two output wires up to a set of lights and they will come on when a train draws current from the block it is hooked into.

From what I can read in the picture, it looks like there is an LED included that can be driven by the device to indicate block occupancy. However, the wording on whether it can drive higher voltage or heavier amp draw is obscured - although I am guessing you are right in that it will have to trigger a separate relay or other device for things with heavier loads or different power requirements that what is supplied.

So all that to say -- if all you need is crossing signals, it might just do it.


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