My apologies for not posting anything further - I had extensive surgery on my right eye and have only just been allowed to return home. I now await the final check-up and a date for the surgery on my left eye, the surgery date for my wife's kidey stone, and some time in there somewhere to move into our new home. Wallbang

Rest assured, however, that plans and construction on Pandorum are proceeding, albeit far much slower than I had previously planned, and the new home may lead to a re-design. Thumbsup

That's it for now...I will try to check in again later on. The surgery takes obne eye out of circulation for up to three weeks or more and prohibits any altitude change greater that 1000 feet. Since the surgery is done in Colorado Springs at 6000 feet, and I live at over 7000 feet, access to a computer and the ability to use it are both a tad limited at the moment, but that which does not kill us truly does makes us stronger.

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