Officially unemployed
If it might help in some way ...

When I was looking for a new place of employment after a plant closing, or a cutback due to changes in Medicare laws, or after a hostile take-over, the first task was to identify a company that had an opening in my field (advertised or unadvertised ... through web sites or networking) The second task was to identify the person in that company that I, as the new hire brought on to fill that opening, would report to. This is an important step in the process, as the schlub in Personnel, or as they politically incorrectly call it these days, Human Resources (as if we are a resource like office supplies purchased at Staples or Office Depot) is not the individual with the power to hire you! He is merely an obstacle to be overcome in your quest to get to the real decision-maker, the department manager, or Director, or Vice President (depending upon your reporting level.) This person is the one who will ultimately make the decision (he or she will have to depend upon your experience and expertise - he wants to hire someone who will be able to do the jobb that he needs done -- you may never see the schlub from H.R. again ... he doesn't really know much of anything about your job or even figure into the "getting employed" mix, except as someone to circumvent.

So you do some homework, arm yourself with the name of the individual to whom you would report (which you get by looking the company up and getting names of relevant people) and as much information as you can amass about the company. You'll need general knowledge about the company -- how big it is, where its facilitiies are around the country (and the world,) what it produces, who its main customers are ... you get the picture here? This is some of the ammunition that is valuable when "overwhelming" the schlub in HR so that you can sit in front of the ultimate decision-maker and wow him (or her) with your background, education, accomplishments, managerial skills, projects of note that you have worked on, etc.

The real main job of finding a new job is to determine the best way to get your face in front of the face of the decision-maker and convince him with your creative but subtle "I'm your man" personal presentation that his worries are over, his decision is now an easy one!

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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