Progress report on RR magazine index.
I use whatever size I need. I was using the MR binders when I subscribed to MR. I haven't subscribed since the mid 1990's when It dawned on me that they don't give adequate coverage to my modeling interests to justify the cost of a subscription. I check the magazines at the local hobby shop stand, and buy those that have articles of interest. Some years that meant as few as 2 issues, some years I bought as many as 6. The hospital where my wife works closed down a department and was tossing out all of the three ring binders that they used for charting. If you have ever seen charts kept on patients in a hospital, the binders are at least as large as the MR binders. I also have acquired various sizes of three ring binders over the years from other sources, so I have binders sized to fit what ever I need.

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