Running trains and electricity costs?
Personally, I'm less concerned with all of those little niceties, the little things that make life just a bit more pleasureable (especially since I live alone,) than the bigger things like the A/C that keeps the temperature and humidity down at a level that, as "Brakie" Larry says, makes it easier to breathe; the washer & dryer (especially the dryer,) the stove/oven, the refrigerator, the nebulizer (a compressor) that runs for 20 minutes at a time, 5 or 6 times a day. And then there's that damn oxygen concentrator that runs all night long, helping to insure that I wake up in the morning so I can turn on the nebulizer for the first time of the day! All of those things make living possible ... or more bearable ... or even enjoyable.

I, too, am retired and have a "fixed income." "Cutting back" to me means being conscious of what I'm are doing, not being wasteful ... not having every light in the house on, turning off the light when I leave the room, knowing what I want when I open the refrigerator door as opposed to standing there with the door open, staring blankly in to the fridge's interior like I'm are waiting for something to jump up and yell, "Eat me, eat me!" (like my daughter's boyfriend does) ... or standing at the front door talking to the mail carrier (or the Jehova's Witness trio) with the door standing wide open, letting all the cool air out!

I don't drive the twenty-five miles into the business areas of Fort Myers unless I will have at least two places that I have to go ... three or four is even better. I don't make frivolus trips in my truck ... if it's necessary, I'll go ... if not, I'll put it off until I have several reasons to go driving off down the street.

Frugality is not being "cheap" ... it's being smart ... being conscious of what you are doing ... and not doing!

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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