How to paint with the best results possible?
Russ Bellinis Wrote:I get confused sometimes concerning what I've posted where, but a friend of mine who has used Model Flex extensively discovered the hard way that when the temps drop below 60 or 70 degrees, the paint just doesn't set up. I mention this because you want to make sure your out building is well heated. I suspect that 50-60 degrees (I'm not sure what that would be in celsius-maybe +10?) right now would probably feel downright tropical in Norway this time of year.

Ah - that is important to know - thanks for the tip! Couldn't get any Modelflex at my hobby shop either. Oh well - I guess those railings will just have to wait until spring, when we will get temperatures a little more conducive to paint drying well outside (and in the shed). Right now we are at about 23F, which is pleasantly warm for winter - I saw quite a few people not bothering to zip the jackets today.

A few days ago we were down to a slightly more chilly 5F outside. But we rarely go below 0F in this reasonably warm and sheltered corner of Norway.

When I did my military service up north of the arctic circle a few years ago (I still have two or maybe three years left in the army reserves before being transferred to the militia), we had a devil of a time with metal parts on our radio antennas breaking off when you tried to assemble or disassemble stuff in the dark at 40 below. It doesn't really matter if you measure temperatures in celsius or fahrenheit at 40 below - it is pretty much the same at that range Goldth

Anyways - thank you very much for the tip about the Modelflex.


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