Gluing Rail to Wood
Hello gents.

I've been mulling over the idea of gluing the rail to the wood deck on my pier instead of spiking it down. I decided that this might be a better idea aesthetically speaking just because I did not like how my turnout for the float bridge looked after I had spiked in place.

A couple of ideas I found searching on line in other web resources;

1) Suggests hot gluing the rail letting it dry, then placing the rail on the deck and reactivate the glue with a soldering gun.
2) Using Barge cement thinned with Acetone (2:1) mix letting it dry and again reactivating it with a soldering iron when placed on the deck.
3) Using AC to glue the rail in place.

I am not a fan of the latter idea, as I tend to have accidents when I use AC. I like the first one, because it seems the less "caustic" of the three. However, from what I have been able to glean by reading on line the thinned barge cement is hands down the winner and will hold the rail to the decking until the cows come home. The thinned Barge technique seems to be commonly used by people who have scratch built wood trestles and need to affix the rail in place.

I wonder if anyone here has any experience with this and can perhaps post up some more info?


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