Gluing Rail to Wood
Thanks for all the helpful replies and suggestions gents. I was kinda hoping that someone had tried the dried hot glue method as I have that readily available. Misngth I've used it to glue Tortoise Machines to the underside of the layout before using #4 screws to hold the machine in place and seemed to bond really well...a little too well in some cases where I was not careful and had to use a putty knife to pry the machine off the plywood in order to reposition it properly. 35

Barge Cement does not seem to be readily available around here, at least not in the local Lowes, Home Depot, or Rona stores I went into. Although I did find a couple of similar products, but was not sure if I wanted to take the chance and try them out. I did find it available in tubes at Tandy Leather, and they are just around the corner from my house.

I do have a tube of Pliobond, but I have not had great experience with it so far. I must be doing something wrong as just seem to make more of a mess then actually accomplish any cementing of materials. :?

I might give the hot glue a test go on a mock up and see how it works...see how easy it is to apply and then go from there. I think it would only be fair to at least get a tube of Barge Cement to try out the methods suggested by others as well as give the Pliobond another shot and then decide from there which of the three is good for me.

Once again thank you all. You've been most helpful. Worship

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