Photo quality
OK, not sure how many of these you've tried, but if I were shooting your layout with this camera, I would:

1) select 100 iso,
3) choose "best" picture quality,
2) select close-up (macro) mode (the little flower icon),
3) use a tripod and existing light, don't use the flash,
4) use the self-timer, because just pressing the shutter button can jiggle the camera,
5) bring in as much additional light as you can - worklights, lamps, whatever.

Try that and see how things turn out.

This camera really isn't all that and a bag of chips. It's about as simple a point-and-shoot as you can get.

What is better in a camera for shooting MRR subjects is some degree of manual control. Ideally you want to be able to control the aperture, either directly or by forcing a slow shutter speed.

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