What Era, Railroads, & Locomotives are you set on?
Do you have a time frame where you're set, time of year?

I'm a "range" guy, albeit narrowish; 1934 - 1937

Are Steam, Diesel, Electric or all/some of both?

Steam. Unless I can find an excuse to use an Alco HH. A low rpm four stroke 6 cylinder is getting close to steam in exhaust cadence!

What are your railroads and what's the rolling stock consist of for deliveries/industries?
Haven't worked all of this out; coal, oil, powder (gun) and possibly raw and finished brick and glass materials / products. At least one lumber set off.

Is it Freelance or Compressed Prototype or even exact scale replica?
A combination. N&W influenced with prototypically correct locomotives and locations. This part is influenced by my father, who watched trains along the N&W in Circleville Ohio. However, I like the idea of small merchandise trains and light steam (light Mikes) running on secondary mainlines, which fit a basement better and allow for more varied switching. This part is influenced by railroads such as the B&O, AC&Y and W&LE.
So my goal is to design a good way to integrate my interests into my version of the real N&W.
Matt Goodman
Columbus, Ohio

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