Dairy plants
nachoman Wrote: I am sure they would have a feed storage silo. And they may have small storage tanks for various chemicals or fuels needed in the operation - but probably not for milk ... the most recognizable detail - THE SMELL! Cheers

I recall a fifth grade field trip to the Wawa Dairies Bottling Plant in Wawa, PA. Wawa was the brand whose bottles of fresh milk were delivered early each morning to the insulated aluminum box on our back porch growing up in Wayne, PA. "Wawa to the American Indian meant 'wild goose." To you it means the finest in dairy products."

As Wawa was out in "farm country," there was no feed grain storage. I don't recall any silos or tanks outside, just a big brick and many-windowed structure full of gleaming stainless steel. The tanker trucks and rail tank cars outside were also stainless.

... And then there was that not-soon-to-be-forgotten odor!

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

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