What In The Wide Wide World Of Sports????
Charlie B Wrote: Don, I had to put up with regulation stupidity from regulators that wanted to interpret rules their way rather then the way they were written. Charlie

At the risk of inflaming the sensitivities of those not as conservative or strict Constitutionally-construction-oriented as I, I believe we are seeing the Constitution "interpreted" by recent Liberal-leaning administrations, this current one in particular, to benefit a particular ideology and either ignoring or outright stepping on Constitutional principles. Circumventing normal vetting and "advise and consent" proceedures has also become SOP as of late.

That effectively undermines the balance of power between the branches and we, as the "employers" of our government, and then get to know very little of who is running the bureaucracies, what the responsibilities really are and how much are they actually being compensated. The expanse of power they seem to be able to wield, as unvetted, undeterred by Congressional unapproval, the appointment of all these "Czars" (more than Russia and the USSR ever had) is also quite troubling in a land that was conceived by the Founding Fathers to be a Constitutional Representative Republic, governed by the Rule of Law, not the whim of man.

I step down from my soap box.

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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