Anyone used these to power a loco?
NWSL makes a truck called the "Stanton" drive. Looks promising, would free up the inside of the loco for sound decoders and weights. They are DCC compatible and come in various wheelbases. Anyone ever seen these or tried them?

Here are some photos from their website at

[Image: stanton-side-view.jpg]

[Image: stanton-1220-bottom-view.jpg]

They don't come with sideframes, but apparently it is easy enough to attach them for whatever loco you have.

[Image: stantion-side-frame-view.jpg]

Now, they are somewhat expensive, MSRP is $85 according to an ad in NMRA magazine. And it doesn't say if that is for one or a pair.

Just wondering if anyone has seen these or used them or something similar.
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