Programming Decoders for Prototypical Sound and Movement
Teeters, I have some decoders that have a brake, F6 or F7, and I use some Deceleration. It depends on the individual locomotive how much, then I use the brake to stop. Prototype coupling speed is a Maximum of 4 MPH which is darned hard. We tried to make couplings that all you heard was the pin drop.

Prototypical switchers (not road switchers) have a quick generator load and start moving rather quickly unless there are more cars then the locomotive is designed to handle at one time. ALCO S-1's and S-2's load and start pulling instantly while the EMD's tend to lag for a few seconds. I have no experience with the GE switchers, so I can't guess what they do other then what I have seen in steel mill operations, and watching is not the same as operating them. Steam switchers had the small diameter wheels which gave them quick starts and low top speeds.
For switching I would start with Start voltage 10. ACC 10 and DEC 10. You might play with the kick start (CV 65)if the decoder has it.
I really need to make better notes of my locomotive settings, I do it all manually, and so far my notes would fit on a pin head. Misngth

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