Nachoman's summer 2010 enginehouse challenge.
The tragic problem with the "population control arguement," is that intellegent, educated people understand the arguement and take the required steps to "not contribute" to the problem, so to speak.

On the otherhand, less intelligent, under-educated, ill-informed, or worse, uninformed people continue to breed at an alarming rate. The result is unfortunately that the intelligence, and therfore the capability of the world's population to develop new ways to cope with declining resources in the face of a growing population is being diminished geometrically to the detriment of the world as a whole.

Ultimately, inability to cope with a lack not of resources, but of those resources that we have already learned to use to our advantage (or to "exploit" as those who see humans as a scourge to continued wellbeing of the planet) coupled with a generally lowered intelligence level, will hamper our ability as a species to develop new solutions from as of yet undiscovered resources with which to enhance and promote a better, easier, more comfortable way of life and therefore promote the contiinued existance of homo sapien on planet Earth.

I see it as a sad foregone conclusion ... that the unintended consequenses of well-meaning do-gooders who propose change without a full study of all the parameters affecting the problem will, in time, bring about the ultimate demise of society and them blame it on those who proposed first studying the problem and then developing aa thoughtful considered solution and did not jump to cause change of behavior without seeing all the cards face up on the table.

Now ... let's once again get back to ripping lumber from paint sticks, producing home-made corrugated metal and in the future, manufacturing scale cut nails with which to construct it all from discarded soda cans. Big Grin Thumbsup

I apologize, Kevin ... I tried before to cut the discussion short but they kept egging me on!

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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