CP Scarborough Harbor Branch Line - HO Scale
So I was just looking over some of my old layout photos when I came across this monstrous wiring photo I snapped of my old layout wiring...

[Image: DSC02417.jpg]


This was when I wired up my Torts to a 12V DC power supply. I think I had three Wall Warts powering 20 some odd switch machines. This is, if I remember, how the wiring looked when I was trying to trouble shoot a problem with one of the crossings on my double x-over. You can see two switch machines side by side in the back ground off photo moving forward are the other two switch machines for the opposite points. I looked at this photo tonight and thought, "Holy Crap! It's a wonder I didn't set the thing on fire!" All kidding aside, Once I figured it out... (after pulling out my hair only to discover it was a missed iso gap top side!) ...and installed an Auto Reverser from Tony's the X-Over worked like buttah. I was also using DPDT switches and not DCC to throw the points which seemingly double the layout wiring as well.

Fast Forward to today and I thought I'd take a couple of comparison photos to see if my wiring technique has improved...I dunno you be the judge. If one thing, I tried to keep things a little neater and used different coloured wires for the switch machines, etc. I also used suit case connectors when tapping into the Main Buss as opposed to stripping and soldering the connections. Only time will tell if this was a prudent method of attaching feeders to the main buss. Another thing I did was when I dropped feeders I took three of them at most twisted them together and ran those three wires back to a terminal block. I then used a heavier gauge wire from the terminal block and tapped into the Buss.

[Image: SAM_0041.jpg]
[Image: SAM_0042.jpg]

I not sure if its an improvement or not. To be fair, the last shot is of the wiring underneath the East end of the X-over. For comparisons sake. One thing worth mentioning is the Hex Frog Juicer save me the pain of wiring up the mechanical contacts on the Torts. Worth the money and they are flawless to date. I also do not have control boards on the fascia as I eliminated the DPDT switches when I decided to control the Torts from the Cab. It is one of my design goals to have nothing on the facia other then ports to plug in the cabs. In the future, I'll use an old PC and Panel Pro to operate the switch machines.

As far as new progress I have none. I've been tied up with other things. Plus I need to clean up my layout area and work space in a huge way as I have made huge mess of things and can't work amongst the clutter. So I better get cracking on that instead of wasting time and posting up stuff like this. Misngth

Bye for now!

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