Bridge at 69th Street
Tetters, thanks! And it sure helps to have all the info on hand here at The Gauge.

Andrew, I appreciate the commentary. I agree with you that asphalt roads typically don't have expansion joints, but was at a loss for what else to call them. If you look carefully at the proto street, you will notice straight lines running the width of the road every so often. Also, there are lines running the length of the road. From what I have seen, these lines are due to the asphalt installation machinery, which typically does only one lane at a time (even though I only modeled the joint in the very middle of the road).

As for the lines running across the width of the road, it may be that this was originally a concrete road with the requisite expansion joints, then as the road deteriorated, they topped over it with a layer of asphalt. That is a typical way things are repaired/resurfaced here in Houston. Then, with the concrete expansion joint cracks underneath, the asphalt seperated there, leaving the lines as on the prototype. Anyway, the good thing is that since I needed 3 sheets of sandpaper, I didn't have to make a lot of effort in hiding the seams.

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