Plug-n-Play decoder, non-Plug-n-Play Loco?
Thank, 'Bait! I'll take that advice as good information and maybe PM you with questions as they arise! I suppose I can purchase the required Standard DCC Color Coded wire to wire up a decoder like this which is intended for some sort of plug.

If you have any ideas for how to isolate the board and all of its components from shorting against the inside of the brass shell or unintended touching (by the installer) that would be appreciated. I mean, the other decoders are "packaged" in what appears to be a "shrink-wrap tube" which protects them from touching anything (or being touched by anything.) Having worked in the computer industry for more than a couple minutes (and having my own pair of "grounding wrist straps,") I am just a bit nervous around open PC Poards.

And I'll look into that speaker ... if you think it works well inside a diesel shell, I'll take your word for it. Is there anything else I should know? How's 'bout a fat capacitor to get the S-2 over those dodgy spots on the track?

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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