Plug-n-Play decoder, non-Plug-n-Play Loco?
Well, it sounds like I'll have plenty to keep my brain active until I get a decoder.

I realize all of this is exciting for you diesel guys, but remember, this is a "side project" for me, a way to dip my toes into the pool of DCC and check the "Install" temperature, prior to attacking my roster of more than a dozen Camelbacks, while I also begin construction of a layout! The Alco S-2 is also a little something to take with me when I go visit the local club (30+ miles away) and have something interesting to run on their Digitrax-powered/controlled double deck layout (it's Santa Fe based ... but being a Pennsylvania boy whose freelanced prototype railroad is fairly tightly based on the Reading Company, I just couldn't do Santa Fe! Sorry! No way!) Nope

"Sergeant Slow-Typist" now gets to thank Charlie B. for his first-hand knowledge! I kinda thought they were air tanks! And had I been paying more attention, yes, gotten a bit more intimate with my newest piece of motive power, I would have noticed the filler neck and cap (slightly) visible on the cab "face" in photo number one, above! 35 Nope

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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