Lansdowne Ave. Industrial Lead
@ TinGoat- Thanks for the links, lots of interesting info!

Well, this layout is already starting to become a nightmare and it's just barely started! Eek

It started when I was testing some ways to make the two problem turnouts work. I got them to work by temporarily wiring the outside rails to the frog, however, to permanently fix the problem I had to remove pretty much all of the track from the layout to either add the feeders or replace the turnouts (good thing I used white glue this time!). I had two other #7 righthand turnouts I could use to replace them, so I decided to test those out before adding feeders to the problem turnouts, however the locomotive only ran a short distance before it stopped and I heard a click in the power pack. I decided to test the power pack on the layout, and as soon as I switched it back on, the locomotive took off at full speed and flew off the end of the layout, taking my entire rolling stock "collection" with it (fortunately only 3 boxcars) Confusedhock: . Luckily, all that was broken on the boxcars were the couplers, one axle, and the end steps on some of them, all of which I planned on replacing anyway. The locomotive still works, but the front is bent and will need the snowplow, coupler cut levers, and part of the walkway repaired Nope .

Anyways, now I have no power pack, no useable freightcars, and almost no track on the layout. Don't worry though, I not discouraged. I was thinking of changing the trackplan a bit anyway, and I have plenty of extra power packs. It's kind of funny now that I think about it.

I've also learned an important lesson- add track bumpers before running trains! 35

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