Fluesheet's Shelf Layout
Matt:I had my first operating session of sorts last night, with about five cars and and 0-6-0 switcher. More of a shake out session. It's amazing how well a switching layout works when designed correctly!
Great news on your shake down ops.

Indeed..A well plan ISL will give hours of operating enjoyment.

Matt: found two potential sticky points; both of which I gave some attention to during the design, and with the input from the other thread:
- The left end lead is too short (it got shortened from my original requirement for valid reasons). An easy fix with a temporary staging extension. The 0-5-0 has been used as a cheat a couple of times.
. The long end of the run around (middle track) is a little short. I wanted to be able to hold a couple cars there, and I can, but just barely! It will require very accurate spotting to make sure it cars don't foul the bracketing turnouts.
Typical problems with most ISLs..Easy to fix in most cases.

Real crews will make squeeze bys with today's longer freight cars on some older urban industrial branches that was built for 36' and 40' boxcars.

In fact some of today's cars are becoming to heavy for these old light rail industrial urban branch lines.. Confusedhock:

Summerset Ry

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