Homasote implementation
I stumbled across this discussion and just couldn't resist. I know in politics the facts don't always mean much. But hopefully, here in the world of model railroading, accurate data from the manufacturer should count for something. From the Homasote website:

Quote:Water absorption by volume (max.):
2 hrs. immersion 5%
24 hrs. Immersion 15%

Expansion from 50%-90%
relative humidity (max.): 0.25%

Don't overlook the decimal point in that last statistic. That's one quarter of a percent relative expansion. And the absorption data is even more compelling. The material absorbed only 15% after 24 hours IMMERSION in water. Do we really think the relatively small amount of moisture in our balast glue is going to make homasote swell and warp and buckle like a piece of kid's construction paper? I DON'T THINK SO!!! Especially after we've glued it to plywood - which is more likely to warp and swell and bend than the homasote. If anything, the homasote will stiffen the plywood!

There used to be a page on the homasote website with a sheet that had been framed to a sample stud wall and left outdoors year round. They finally took it down after a few YEARS because it hadn't degraded or warped or lost structural integrity. And this is in the New Jersey weather. 24-7-365. It's amazing stuff!

:hey: I am prepared to be proved wrong by anyone who can demonstrate, in a reproducable way, that homasote swells and warps and causes track misalignment, and that the homasote itself is at fault. But so far, in the past few years since I issued a similar challenge in a similar thread, I have yet to see ANYONE step up to the plate. Don't go on hearsay or suspicion that since it's a paper product it's automatically going to warp. Check the manufacturer's specs or do your own test. Until then I don't want to hear anymore nonsense about warping homasote! Shoot

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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