DPM Wall Sections: Big Walls
The India Ink solution (no ... that's an unintended pun) ...

I put about an ounce or so of alcohol in an empty "#1 style" baby food jar along with about three to four drops of india ink.

The walls in question had been "tuck pointed" with cheap Ace Hardware spackle and the sealed with Testor's DullCote. (I bring this up to follow up with a visual relating to the comments by doctorwayne.) The wall looked like this at that point ...

[Image: TuckPointingTestResult1-1.jpg]

I then "floated" on a wash of the alcohol/India ink solution, covering the whole surface, applying the wash in verticle strokes with a 1/2" wide brush from top to bottom, but tilting the wall up at the top slightly on the workbench, allowing the solution to gather more heavily towards the lower regions of the wall section, I left it to dry. On my return, PANIC set in ... Confusedhock:

[Image: ABadAlcohol-IndiaInkWash.jpg]

The alcohol reacted adversely with the DullCote!! Wallbang I washed the India ink wash off the wall section, resulting in a wall that looked again like the first photo. Once again, I applied the wash the same way, with the same result. I then learned (from asking the question here) that I should just shoot another coat of DullCote and all would be good. Thats what I did and the result was ... Thumbsup Big Grin

[Image: PaintRemovedtoAttachtheEndRoof.jpg]

The results are satisfying! Give it a try ... the worst that can happen is it looks to light and you need a second treatment. Just keep the ink solution very weak ... you can always add more, but it's tough to remove one coat.

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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