Mantua/Tyco 2-8-2
I acquired this kit and lots of additional detailing parts and can motor to turn it into a reasonably good looking and performing loco a few years back. I finally pulled it out of mothballs today to start working on it (talk about procratinating.... :oops: ). As I started to view it with building it in mind, a few questions/doubts popped into my feeble mind...

1. The cast boiler has a large, squareish looking box in front of the smoke stack, which I presume is someone's idea of a feedwater heater. Am I correct in assuming this..?? I would like to do away with it to install a real-looking heater, much like Dr. Wayne's locos have. Where would I find this heater and associated piping..?? I would also need the injector into the boiler as the loco has no indication of it..not even cast on.

2. The connecting rods and valve gear are nice, shiny, chromish looking metal. I would like to blacken these. How would I go about doing this..??

3. I'll be chopping off the "tube" headlight and installing one on the top of the smokebox door on a bracket. What can I fill in the resulting hole with..??

These are just the first few questions/doubts that arose. I'm sure I'll be getting back to you all for additional help as the need arises... Goldth

Thanks for any light you might shed on this....
Gus (LC&P).

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