Bridge at Mason Park
faraway Wrote:Next phase will be full details _under_ the bridge (like 1900 does _under_ his cars) Eek

Luckily the underside of this bridge section is nothing but concrete!

tetters Wrote:Careful Gary. Its a slippery slope once you start obsessing over the details. ...and you still have whole layout to finish.

Gotta agree with ya tetters... some things have to be doled out in moderation for now, because there is still tons of work to be done on the layout. But not to worry yet, I'm stopping short on this bridge by only modeling the part of the bracket that can be seen from the aisle. Even though the proto walkway is see-through steel mesh, I'm using old plastic non-see-through boxcar roofwalks for that, so no need to model the bracket detail under the walkway.

modelsof1900 Wrote:Gary, it's nice to read that I could give you an idea for adding small details. I think that these details make the difference and in next time you will try to realize a new thing with a new challenge and a bit more difficulty and each times you will be lucky with your work, time for time also a bit more. The first impression is very good! I'm sure that this bridge will be finished with a good result.

First, whenever I get compliments from accomplished modelers, it goes a long way toward boosting my confidence to try more difficult projects. And with the trying, there is typically an advance in skill level. Your project, and DocWayne's boxcar details, S250's ships, GEC's catenary, and all the other great detail projects I see on Big Blue have most certainly pushed me to a new level. I'm not there yet as a modeler, and probably won't ever rise to the level of detail that you accomplish, but that is okay because, as Tetters says, I have a whole layout to get finished!

Thanks to everyone for the compliments. I'm taking the day off from work, so will be working on the bridges for most ofthe day, although I do have to fix some shingles on my 1:1 roof. Not the train room, but our house.
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