Toronto Christmas Train Show ?
Well, I went today but couldn't properly take it in. I had both my sons with me so I could only half focus on things at the best. Apologies to a few people (i.e. David!) that I couldn't really chat for long, and I didn't really get to the Narrow Gauge Madness table -- I think I vaguely remember seeing it! My sons are high-energy, so it's hard to take in things when you're frazzled (but I'm not complaining!).

Yes, for some reason, the live steamers were absent. There's usually a nice display of large live steam locos with a few running. I always like to see these, especially the several British ones -- I wonder what happened to them? I also could not find the Toronto Heritage Railway Centre display nor the South Simcoe Railway, yet I know the former were there. I thought that the crowd looked a little sparse at times, but then it was hard to really tell as it seemed to quickly get busy and then thin out.

Yes, there were some excellent layouts there. Some were creative in that they used up only a small amount of space for their HO scale. There was a neat Z scale layout there as well.

If all goes well and if I can find the time, I might sneak off to the Whitby show tomorrow -- it's always a good show as well.

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