Southern Pacific Switching Layout
I have an 'adapter' car like that - actually it's my oldest son's 'special' car. Inspired by the "Superman Car" article years ago in MR, I allowed my then 3-year old to pick out whatever car he wanted. At the time I had some stuff with Kadees and some with horn-hooks, plus I had the proper Kadee replacement for his car - but just one, from the old conversion kit that came with pretty much one of everything. So in a combination of laziness and practicality, I swapped just one coupler - that way if I ran old stuff, I could use his car, and if I ran new stuff, I could use his car. I should dig it out and show him and see if he remembers it - he's nearly 20 now and sadly the railroad bug didn;t stick with him or his younger brother.

Modeling the Reading Railroad of the 1950's in HO

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