Toronto Christmas Train Show ?
Hi Kids,

Saturday was okey, but Sunday dragged on forever...

From about 1pm onward, I was checking my watch every few minutes. The place was almost dead.

I was at the Maple Leaf 2003 [NMRA] convention that was almost killed by SARS.

That was exciting and fun. Then, I've been an exhibitor at the Toronto Christmas Train Show every year since then.

And each year seems to be worse than the last. The show seems to be shrinking.

I have suggested to people in NMRA Niagara Frontier Region and/or the CAoRM guys that they should take advantage of the Toronto Christmas Train Show to piggy-back their own functions. Being near the airport and hotels, they could run clinics, contests, etc... while taking advantage of the large show hall that the show is in.

I think that joining forces would really be great.
Ron Wm. Hurlbut
Toronto, Ontario, Dominion of Canada
Ontario Narrow Gauge Show
Humber Valley & Simcoe Railway Blog

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