Conrail GP15-1 build... JUST DO IT.
When it comes to ACC (alpha cyanoacrylate) I usually use "Zap!", and sometimes "Zap! Gapfilling."

To me, the tricks to keep it from hardening in the tube/bottle is to ensure that:

- The tube/bottle opening (liquid delivery area) is clean and open. A clogged opening can be frustrating and seems to hasten the dreaded solid tube of bonding agent. I tap and then squeeze the tube/bottle, watching that last drop move up and down until it drops back down into the bottle of emerges to be wiped away. When I can hear air moving in and out, I am satisfied the delivery area is free from obstruction. Then, to reinforce the notion that the opening is free from obstruction, I slide a straight pin in and out a few times, wiping it clean between insertions.

- The area around where the closure/cap fits must be kept totally free from dried adhesive, as an ill-fitting closure/cap will lead to an early solidifying of the liquid in the tube/bottle.

- When not in use, my ACC container fits into a small, purpose-built wooden base, designed to keep it upright, and sits wedged in between two large jars in the refrigerator door. Keeping it refrigerated seems to help it last a bit longer without hardening in the container.

Beyond that, I don't know what to tell you, but I have had good luck with ACC by maintaining these standards and practices.

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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