Ralph's Layout Self-improvement Blog
It has been quite a while since I posted on this blog. Progress has been slow and often affected by distractions and...you know...life! I really need to achieve a better balance in favor of my hobby! Smile Anyway, I've been working on the section where I've moved my Ready-mix plant. I'll repost the photo of the original sad little structure.

Ralph Wrote:[Image: IMG_1854.jpg]

I decided to reuse some of the components but added to them and tried to make the facility look a little more realistic and complex. The conveyor represented by the pipe is temporary and only there as a "fer instance" so I can plan something better. Here are several views of the area.

[Image: IMG_2065.jpg]

[Image: IMG_2064.jpg]

[Image: IMG_2063.jpg]

[Image: IMG_2066.jpg]

I based the model loosely on this abandoned company near where I work...
[Image: IMG_2032.jpg]

So, its coming along. I also made that small industry (Laroche Manufacturing) in the background because I really needed another business that is served by boxcars! Its too small to justify rail service I suppose but I was working with space limitations.

Its nice to be back at it again! Stay tuned!

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