Ocalicreek's 2010 EOY Challenge
Well, I didn't meet the deadline for the MR Kitbash contest. Sad

However, I'm not all that upset since it means I can take more time on this structure and really do it well. I'll still photograph and document the construction along the way for an article. I truly believe any kit can be a 'craftsman' kit, as long as it is built with care and a bit of creativity to take it to the next level with the right finishes and detail touches. This pair of structures should exemplify that when I'm finished with them.

And while the 30th has come and gone, my new deadline is December 9, the Tacoma Clinic meeting night. So far I'm on schedule for that. Also my December allowance of mad money has come in so I'll be ordering decals! 2285_

That's all for now. Happy December.

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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