A question on car loading.
If I understand correctly, the host RR, the IC in your case, would prefer to use home road cars in order to collect the highest revenue, I.E. any shipping charges and per diems while the car is on other RR's rails, plus if the shipment originates and terminates on the IC there is no per diem to pay out. If they needed, they certainly could use any available car that met the needs of the shipper. The downside is that the Southern and Frisco get paid a per diem for each day the car is on IC rails, or any other railroad's rails, and may be due other fees as well, I'm not completely sure. The bottom line is that the home road cars will pay more.

On the flipside, there are certain cars labeled "When empty return to...(insert home road here)" and I believe those cars are to be returned promptly without rerouting, unless the return load takes them back to their home yard.

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