Atlas Shrugged Movie
Wow, I had NO idea they were actually making a movie of it. If all that was said on the posted link is true, it can't HELP but be good.

If you've read Atlas Shrugged but not The Fountainhead - it's an interesting contrast as you can se many of the ideas Ayn Rand espoused in Atlas Shrugged in an earlier form in The Fountainhead. The Fountainhead kind of hits you right between the eyes, there's no mistaking what sort of philosophy she believes when you read that book. Atlas Shrugged adds a lot more meat of a story around the ideas and ideals.

The movie version of The Fountainhead is great, with Gary Cooper as Roark. Despite some plot changes, the meet of the message is Roark's big speech at the end and it is word for word fromt he novel - mainly because Ayn Rand herself wrote the screenplay and having that speech intact was one of her conditions.

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