P5se Camelback’s EOY Challenge
Depending on what era I decide to place this thing in, prior to (I think it was 1968) it would be white lettering on black paint. After that, the Scale Test Cars got repainted in the Reading Green as seen on GP38-2's and GP39-2's with yellow lettering.

I have been "talking" with a guy on the "Reading Modeler" forum who built a very nice N scale version of the same unit that I am basing my model on, #91210. He generated his own artwork and had a friend with an ALPS printer produce the decals for him. He has since moved across the country. There is a possibility that he may enlarge the artwork to HO scale and either have another fellow on that forum produce them or possibly send the artwork to me and I would then contract with Rail Graphics to produce a small run of both white and yellow sheets. We'll just have to see what he wants to do ... it's his artwork.

But happily, there is a (somewhat) remote possiblity that I may have decals before the end of the year, but I'm not holding my breath! That's not a healthy thing for me to do! 357 357

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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