Bridge at South Wayside
biL, they are largemouths. We were fishing in a 22 acre manmade lake that we have property on. The lake is way overstocked, and you can't help but catch'em.

DocWayne, I can't take credit for the water, it is courtesy of MommaNature.

Kevin, that itty bitty fish was almost comical, hitting a lure that is almost half as long as it is, and the fight was less than awe-inspiring! 357

Randy, I guess I am fairly realistic, eh? Wink

Now for the bridge:

I made a pattern out of paper to fit between the sidewalks, then cut some thin styrene sheet to fit. I cut some 600 grit sandpaper for the road. Under the bridge is concrete, but asphalt on the slopes going up. The concrete will be done from the roughened up styrene sheet. Here is the styrene sheet and the sandpaper cut to fit. I did scribe the lines in the plastic and on the sandpaper as per the proto.


Next, glued the sandpaper to the styrene using 3M spray on glue, that stuff sticks like craZy. Now on to the light colored washes on the sandpaper.

Three Foot Rule In Effect At All Times

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