Railroad modelers on The Gauge
You've illustrated why I stick around here instead of wandering to other forums. I've participated in other forums that are more specific to my modeling interests, but I enjoy the varied feedback of the people here. We've got all skill levels, ambitions, and techniques. This forum is fairly diverse. not just from a modeling perspective, but geographically and age wise. We've got grandpas and teenagers, and many members outside the USA, and I am quite thankful for that. Diversity means differing opinions and advice and that leads to better modeling. Another forum (more popular than this one) it seems people are more similar. Over there, people would tell you to pitch those 35 year old freight car kits instead of fooling with paint and detail. They'd discouraging you from using anything but the latest scenery product or track plan design. I don't see too much of that over here.
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3-d printed items in HO/HOn3 and more!
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