Railroad modelers on The Gauge
Puddlejumper Wrote:... I remain impressed at the skills and abilities of the group. Indeed, the skills, and principles that started this hobby almost 90 years ago are still alive and well. And even though many of us will never acheive the official rank of "Master Model Railroader", many of you are, indeed, masters in your own right.
I look forward to watching and learning from you in the future, as I embark on my own journey to build a railroad model of my own. If I am able to acheive half of what you guys have shown me you are capable of, I will be in good shape. Thumbsup
Thanks guys!
" M.M.R ".....letters, after a name, signifying that the person has passed someone Else's test.
The letters aren't important. It is the journey, and the things learned on that journey that truly matter. If you are " able to achieve half of what you guys have shown me you are capable of, I will be in good shape." , it will be twice what you might have achieved, by not taking the journey.

I think you have described, quite accurately, the heart of Big Blue. Thank You for that.
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!

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