Railroad modelers on The Gauge
nachoman Wrote:"I am trying to use X product from brand Y, and the results aren't what I hoped. Could someone who has used this product before help me out."

And the replies would follow:

"My advice is to throw it in the trash because brand Y is crap, and there are other methods that look better and take less time."

Those kind of responses discourage me from participating in the discussion. No matter what the subject, people hate condescending attitudes. Thankfully, I rarely see that on this board, and that is why I've gained considerable knowledge during my 5 years of membership here.
Kevin, you have hit a sore spot here with me. I used to watch some computer related shows and at one time one of the guest hosts was asked a question about windows, and his reply was to "get a Mac" Other times, when asked questions about Internet Explorer, the would ignore the question and proceed to try to get the questioner to switch browsers.
It is my feeling that a lot of this is just jealousy of Bill Gates.
I'm finding the same comments on some of the DCC forums, and many times the knocks are for the system the forum is about.
When we ask for information about a product, that is what we want, not someone telling us how bad our judgement was.
I agree, folks here are great.

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