Bowser USRA Lt Mikado, Deluxe Kit build
Ah, I see. That's too bad they feel the need to do that. THE best customer service experience BY FAR I have ever had came from Jaks. I had purchased a Scale Structures Limited Timber Gantry on ebay. I discovered that I had two lefts instead of a left and a right, of a particular metal cast brace, along with a broken piece of stripwood. I emailed them and received, at no charge, replacement parts in a few days. Thumbsup I made sure to mention in my request for replacements that I was prepared to pay for them, plus shipping, because I had not purchased it directly from them, however, that was never an issue as they promptly replied saying they'd send the parts out for free. Fantastic.

The only comperable service like that came this past summer when I discovered my Sugar Snap Peas were actually a blend of sugar snaps and snow peas! I had purchased the seed at a local nursery but when I contacted Territorial, the seed company, they credited my AmEx right there over the phone, saying they stand behind their products and want customers to be satisfied with it wherever they purchase it. With so many model making companies practically cottage industries, you'd think they would take a similar approach in order to build a good customer base. I have no trouble recommending Jaks (current manufacturer of SS Ltd et al) to anyone precisely because of the great service.

Anyway, thanks for satisfying my curiosity. Hope your wrists get better, and not just because I'm anxious to see your progress!

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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