Weekly Photo Fun Dec 3 to Dec 9
Gary S Wrote:It is all just a drop in the bucket. With the bazillion vehicles doing the daily commute, what's a few GP30s and GP38s doing switching?

From a scientific standpoint, you are exactly right. But it probably stems from when you mix NIMBY behavior and politics. It's much more difficult to regulate a million autos, but the residents complain about the bad air. So, they target a more visible source of pollution, and one that has fewer units to regulate, and the public feels better. The same happens in Arizona with water conservation. They tell you to take a shorter shower to conserve water, meanwhile the bank across the street keeps a deep green lawn for no reason and Lake Powell evaporates more water per year than the whole city consumes. It's hard to get the thinking public to reduce their waste when they see those with the deeper pockets continuing the status-quo. But, just having the water conservation reminders, education, and programs are viewed as doing some good, meanwhile not having the guts to speak out against the worst offenders.
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