Tetters, you kow it is your fault …
The NachoMan distilled it to 150 Proof!

Yeah, it looks O.K. and sure you can build a 7 3/4 left hand turnout (or in my case, whatever it is ... I've never figured it out what any of them are) if you want to. The points definitly look better than the hinged ones with the rivet in the middle. I still think it's cheaper to buy i huge bag of wood ties, a bag of a couple thousand spikes and a tube of 99 feet of rail and then spike down and build whatever it takes to get from here to there. I know you do get more "fun for the buck" as you can't lay the track for the whole railroad in two nights like you can with pre-fab flex track it you really get the Coolies humpin'!

But what it really all boils down to ...

... is that moment when you stand back a look at it and know that it's there because you built it there ... and then watch a string of '30's vintage 40-footers snake its way through a "something-larger-than-#6-crossover" and hear a small voice inside your head say ...

... Sweet!
... and feel that sh**-eatin' grin creep across your face!

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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