Atlas Shrugged Movie
This is just so awesome that this is being made - and made ACCURATELY. It'll get out there - I wouldn't miss seeing this for the world. There seem to be very few concessions made - since there really is no defined time in the novel, they just made it contemporary it appears, and on one of those albums I have to agree with a comment, the actress playing Dagny is just too conventionally pretty. The actors picked for Hank and James - excellent.
I first read Atlas Shrugged many years ago. While I was immediately drawn to it, to the point of writing down key quotes and printing them out and hanging them on my wall at work - things like "The hallmark of a second-rate man is resentment of another man's achievement" - I guess that being young, fairly fresh out of college, it didn't have as much as an impact as - well, I recently started re-reading it and is it ever hitting home with the way things are going in this country today. I think perhaps in my heart I believed it back then but didn't want to. 20-some years later, I can't help it.
I've read, and also seen the Gary Cooper movie, of The Fountainhead. Also well done - and while they did leave quite a bit out in the movie, they did leave in, at Ayn's insistence, the Roarke's long speech which pretty much sums up every bit of the philosophy of the story. This all got past Hollywood, I have no doubt Atlas Shrugged will too.
I've also read many of her essays and non-fiction.

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