Thoughts and memories
"That's one problem we're going to address, our laid back moderators. Since the opening of Big Blue, they've had so little to do that they are constantly laying around watching TV and eating Kit-Kats. It's gotten so bad that we've now got three, yes, three candy machines in the Big Blue break room and they get restocked daily ". Watching TV....if it wasn't for the sound, and the faint flicker of light from the far end of the cave, we'd never know there was a TV close by. Kit-Kats ?....Sabre toothed tigers, no, they'd have been fresher. Break Room ?.....It's called that because we have to "break in". Restocked in once a day, which just happens to be February 29th! Eek
" Well, as of Jan 1, we are pulling out all those cushy couches and lounge chairs "
Cushy Couches.....Ancient burlap bags stuffed with.....I don't have the courage to look , and better luck finding someone with the courage to move them !! Confusedhock: , and I have know idea what lounge those chairs were found in. Icon_twisted
and turning the break room into an exercise gym. We have hired a full-time nutritionist/exercise instructor ( translation: large, hairy beast, with a large whip ) , and have set goals for everyone.The plasma TV ( It became plasma when we tried to "brighten it" enough to make up for the fact that Ed's bulb burned out. Sad ) will be locked onto the Fitness channel and the candy machines (especially the one in Ed's office) will be stocked with healthy snacks such as celery bars, tofu sticks and watercress rollups ( translation: Pre Cambrian vegetable matter ) . Big Blue is the ultimate lean, mean modeling machine and we intend that our entire staff will follow suite.

This is all your fault people. You're not causing enough of a ruckus to keep our moderators busy. No sniping, no off-the-wall attacks, just peace and harmony among friends and fellow modelers. And for this, we all thank you. We couldn't ask for a better bunch of people to hang out with, nor a better group of moderators who all have little to do here thanks to you all. Like Mikey says, we left all the bad karma behind, and it's a refreshing difference from these other places, or what our old place became.

Worship Worship Worship Worship
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Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup

After careful consideration, we might let one of the candy machines stay in the break room, once in a while, a spammer slips in and the mods might need that sugar rush to deal with them.

We've got a few bad memories from the old place, but if we go back far enough, they're outweighed by the good ones from a long time ago and what we have here now. Most of the mods we have here stuck with us through thick and thin for all these years, and our appreciation for them knows no bounds.

All kidding aside, I have fully enjoyed my almost nine years here. I couldn't ask for a better bunch to be associated with!
I'm looking forward to a great new year, and the continued friendships this board has created. May fortune favor you all.
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!

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