What Era, Railroads, & Locomotives are you set on?
I know I posted earlier, but since then, this has been changed since I posted. Enjoy.

Do you have a time frame where you're set, time of year?

I operate in the modern era, defined as being just after Desert Storm, so what, that'd be probably around '91, during the winter.

Are Steam, Diesel, Electric or all/some of both?

Well, I use a GP40 for most of the work I do, but I also, because of my love of steam, and the general area that its prototype is from, I also run a 3-truck Shay engine lettered for the Blacklog Lumber Co. #5. It's a very nice engine, and it has DCC Sound installed. It was a gift, so I wanted some sort of an excuse to use it. I use it in excursion service, and also for pulling the President's private car.

What are your railroads and what's the rolling stock consist of for deliveries/industries?

There are three industries on the line, but the layout handles a LOT of bridge traffic for other industries on the railroad, but not modeled. I am running it as though it were a Class I railroad that has been around since roughly 1896, a relatively latecomer to the Class I system, but very important just the same. The line I'm modeling is a branch from South Hill, Virginia, and is "corporately" called the South Hill & Eastern Foothills RR, but it is really just a physical branch of the railroad, called the Northern & Southern. More information on it later, I don't want to get sidetracked.

The first of the three industries on the line are a GERN Ind. deep mine to mine flux out. It was recently discovered that after exposure to air for more than 50 years, bituminous and semi-bituminous coal goes through a chemical change and becomes raw flux, which allows old deep mines for bituminous and semi-bituminous coal to be reopened and actively mined.

The second industry is a cold storage facility in South Hill, Virginia.

The third industry is handled by a CSX Transportation crew in town. The industry is a small military supply center that gets inbound equipment, but also gets special passenger service for the local crews to handle. CSX and the Northern & Southern have worked out, roughly, a deal to lease the N&S's passenger coaches for commuter service to the center to move the troops.

Is it Freelance or Compressed Prototype or even exact scale replica?

The railroad is completely freelance, with the CSX tie just to help make it more believable and to help give anybody that comes over to operate more variety in what they have available to them for activity.

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