Southern Pacific Switching Layout
Tom Wrote:The point is, don't build ANYTHING just for the sake of building SOMETHING is about the best advice I feel I can give. If your heart is not really into the layout you're building, you'll just abandon it. Been there, done that, and have seen it too many times too. Don't build until you have decided upon what you want. Changes as you go along are fine, heck, I NEVER follow a track plan to the letter. But if you are building "just to get something built" you're throwing away money and will wind up bored, frustrated and disappointed in the end.

My heart is in this layout, My only problem with it was that I thought is was beyond my ability, but I have decided I will never gain any skill if I don't build anything.

I already have the track in place so once the weather clears up I will put down a coat of paint over those bright white doors, Then I will solder the track together, Then do the wiring, Then once it runs reliably I will add the backdrop, mock-up some structures, then do scenery.

this layout will probably only last for a couple of years so I am not very concerned with how it looks, it is primarily just for practice.
Justin Miller
Modeling the Lebanon Industrial Railway (LIRY)

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