Using The ShipIt! Computer Program On An ISL
Gary S Wrote:Thanks for generating all the sessions and doing the experiment. There has to be a way to make it work, what with all the options that ShipIt has.
Have to admit that all this experimenting has been interesting. Does seem like there must be a way to get this to work correctly. Other than getting this car on hold to spot issue working, everything else seems to work pretty well.

I confess that I haven't spent a lot of time with the ShipIt manual, especially pertaining to how all the options are supposed to work. So I'll be doing some more reading and experimenting tonight. While looking at the program tonight, I have seen a couple of options that I didn't have turned on that might give me better results. In particular, there is an option "Force Usage Of Existing Empties At Industry" that I didn't have set, which probably explains why ShipIt pulled the two cars as empty in Session 2 in the other post. 35
Gary S Wrote:I really do want to use a computer program for my operations.
I really would like to be able to use this program and I'm stubborn enough to keep trying to get it to work right or at least "close enough". I like having the ability to just make a couple of quick selections in this program and have it give me a workable switch list in just a few seconds. So I'll keep experimenting.
BR60103 Wrote:Ed:
I assume Shipit has a facility where you can tell it that a move didn't take place?
If you give the 3 cars in a siding a 3-day unloading time but only add one each day (deny delivering the other ones), could that give you one-in&one-out per day? We used to use the phrase "Lying to the computer".
Actually ShipIt keeps track of cars that don't move - what it calls "Stuck Cars". Also keeps track of Industry car requests, Industries that aren't paired up with shippers, etc., but it doesn't give me the ability to tell the program that cars aren't moving. I'll just have to keep playing with it some more tonight.
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